Category Archives: Modern Wizardry

“So, let me tell you about my character…”

Last week, I missed my posting schedule. After having to take a day off work to help around the house, I ended up not getting called in for another two days. So, I was focusing more on job hunting during my free time than blogging. It doesn’t help that we got to discussing our next campaign in my home game and I got fired up about a change in concept.

This week, I’m making the time to post.

I have gotten in some work on StarSea. When we last spoke, I was working on how a “war wagon” would work. Part of what I figured out was what I really wanted. While “war wagon’ has a nice alliteration and cadence and “screen presence,” that doesn’t match with my concept or the historical realities. I got to poking around on both DeviantArt and the Google Image searches, looking at pictures of a variety of vehicles associated to war and wagons.

My concept of these vehicles has a lot in line with the Delta Flyer from Star Trek: Voyager. Something that could almost be a home away from home for PCs. While that’s not working out (that will become the function of the longboats), it did give me a start. I tried looking for magic and fantasy tanks, most of which directed me to a lot of WH40k vehicles and the occasional WHFB Steam Tank. Not what I wanted. Nor were historical war wagons (more like rolling gun emplacements) or the John Wayne movie of the same name. Eventually, I started looking at carriages, and finally I got to a look that was more what I want. I still need to detail the exterior, but I have the internal arrangement and general layout the way I want it. Details come next.

This is important to me as it’s part of the look and feel of the game, at least in my mind. Longboats won’t be able to land in some parts of the worlds PCs will be exploring, and that will require vehicles to get them to more remote spots. This fills in one of those details.

As I said before, I also started tinkering with a new version of my character for our next campaign in our home game. I’ll be ending my long running campaign in January, and then be taking a break from regular GMing for a while. One of the other guys wants to run a game set in the Moonshae Isles in the Forgotten Realms. I want to play around with 4e Psionic Powers, so I was planning on playing a Battlemind/Ardent MC, which was a slightly rebuilt version of a character I played one season for Encounters. But at our game two weeks ago, one of the players was commenting on changing her character concept from a Runepriest to a Fighter. My first impulse was to add another striker (a warlock), but I’m the sort of player who likes to cover bases, and we had a large enough compliment of ranged types (including an archer warlord), so I nixed the warlock idea. Then I remembered the multiclassing I had cooked into the character anyway, so I decided to rebuild the same concept as an Ardent. So, at least some of my time has been spent researching powers and feats for that character. I really think it will work better in general with the rest of the party.

I finally got through the bulk of the rules in Numenera, and I do like the game. At some point, I need to run it, and get a feel for it. I also want to run a couple of other games on short term, so I’ll be trying to work that in, once the current game is closed.

That’s really all I have for now. Laters.